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Designing Seamless and Holistic Travel Experiences

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A Travel Assistance App

CURIO, is a tourist assistance app that creates personalised experiences for every traveller acting as a personal guide for the tourists by creating tailor-made itineraries and facilitating a holistic travel experience.

Key Features

Create a digital ecosystem that covers all tourism related services right from itinerary creation, reviews and budget planning to sharing of experiences.


Offer personalised itinerary creation by leveraging user generated content and applying technology like Artificial Intelligence.


Integrate Augmented Reality technology to provide a seamless navigation experience and enable users to discover the city from a different perspective.

App Prototype
Logo Development

The triangular form represents the missing piece of a puzzle. Like discovering and exploring something during ones travel journey.


The different forms intersecting signify the various roads or experiences during ones travel journey that creates a holistic, enjoyable experience.

A CURIO, is a little trinket/ souvenir or collectible that acts as a portal to memories made during ones travel journey.

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The Curio Journey

Based on the users interests a personalised feed is created for a better travel experience.

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Enhanced Travel Experience
  • Feed is updated according to the users current location.

  • Users can plan the day based on their mood or search for activities.

  • The recommendations are based on the analysis of user generated content, search habits and activity history.

  • AI can also assist in filtering results based on the crowd situation at a particular moment. If an attraction is too crowded it won’t show at the top of the field.

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Personalised Itinerary

Users can track their past present and future trips. They can make modifications to an existing itinerary or create a new one.

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Mobility and Navigation
  • The map will provide users information about attractions and events on their current route. 


  • Augmented Reality navigation will help provide a seamless navigation experience and enable users to discover the city from a different perspective.


  • Pointing the camera towards a certain attraction will provide details of the history, cost and visiting hours which otherwise tourists ignore or miss out on.


  • AI can also assist in providing information about how crowded an attraction is at a given point of time to help users plan their visit.

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The app will notify users about any trip pre-requisites, and also allow them to set their mode of transport and create a travel checklist.

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Users can choose to manually create their itinerary or let the app create one for them. Based on the type of trip, the people travelling and the budget restrictions, CURIO will create a personalised itinerary that appeals to the group. 

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Travel Diary
  • The profile page acts as the users travel diary with memories such as photos, videos etc consolidated into specific albums. The app links to the phones gallery and saves images into albums based on the date and time stamp.


  • The users can also view their travel footprint around the world through saved stories.


The concept for this app is inspired from my research paper, " Designing Sustainable Tourism Experiences for the Tourists of Tomorrow" published as part of the 8th International Conference on Research Into Design 2021 by IIT Bombay.

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